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The Soul of Your Story: A Five-Week Memoir Writing Intensive

**Join Brad Wetzler, acclaimed journalist and author of "Into the Soul of the World," in this deeply immersive five-week course ... Show more
Brad Wetzler
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Are you a business visionary, thought leader, therapist, or spiritual teacher who’s longed to write a memoir? Or perhaps you’re a human, like anybody, and you know in your heart that you have a powerful personal story to tell. Are you an aspiring author who longs to share your wisdom/gold with the world?

If you’re reading this page, I suspect you’ve tried to write your book. I imagine you began to get words on the page and even made a heroic effort to finally do it. But then you stopped halfway or perhaps just a few pages in.


Because you realized you didn’t know what you were doing. You understood that you needed more tools and knowledge about the craft of writing.

Or maybe you had a crisis of faith in yourself and stopped. Self-doubt won the day.

I understand how you feel.

I’ve been a professional editor and writer at the highest levels of publishing for 30 years. I’ve edited countless memoirs and nonfiction books and written hundreds of articles. I was one of the few who made a living as a writer.

But I was haunted and felt unfulfilled because I hadn’t written the memoir I longed to write. For a decade, I tried to tell my life story about how I overcame PTSD and addiction and learned to live and thrive again. But I fell short of my dream. I failed despite my intimate knowledge of the craft of writing.

It’s true. I tried five or six times. I wrote hundreds of pages that amounted to nothingAnd then, while meditating before my daily writing session one morning, something clicked. I literally heard and felt a click, like when you hear the tumblers of a lock click into place. I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and wrote these two words: stories and courage.

I realized that I had been making things too complicated. I realized that a memoir comes down to two things: 1) telling powerful stories and 2) having the courage to be vulnerable with emotions and sharing deeply from the heart.

Writing a memoir is about telling great stories about how you were transformed by life and then building a bridge to your readers’ hearts by sharing with radical emotional honesty.

The great wisdom teachers like the Buddha and Jesus knew this. The heart is where we are connected.

I began telling straightforward, powerful stories, followed by passages in which I wrote with radical emotional honesty…from deep in the heart.

I immediately sat my butt in the chair and began to write again. And this time, it poured out of me.

I wrote my 320-page book in six months–and then I sold it to a major publisher.

My memoir, Into the Soul of the World: My Journey to Healing, was published last spring by the Hachette Book Group, a Big Five traditional publishers.

The day my book was released to the world, I realized I had stumbled on a powerful method that I could teach others. And they could finally write their memoir.

I combined all of my writing experience and knowledge–thirty years of it–with the lessons I learned writing my memoir “from the heart.” My goal was singular: help others achieve their dream of writing a memoir or nonfiction teaching book.

Eventually, I developed my The Soul of Your Story: A Five-Week Memoir Writing Intensive.

This powerful course will teach you to write from radical emotional honesty and vulnerability and connect with others through the heart. It also teaches you:

-how to figure out what your book is really about.

-how to structure your book

-how to become a master storyteller

-how to pivot on your stories and share your hard-won ‘heart-ful” wisdom

-how to reflect and share the lessons you learned from your past

-how to expand and contract time to write powerful “you are there” scenes

-how to keep going when you lose faith when you arrive at your book’s messy middle.

-how to turn yourself into a coherent character while maintaining honesty

-how to not be pushed around by your memories.

-how to write the all-important “all is lost” section of your book

how to write with suspense so your reader gets to the end.

-and more.

You can do this. We can do it together. We really should do this together.


Because not writing your book would be too painful to grasp.

Never telling your life story or sharing your hard-earned wisdom would leave you feeling unfulfilled and haunted, like I did before I wrote my book.

Not becoming the public speaker, consultant, or coach you aspire to become and not impacting the world would feel too painful.

The world needs your story. Your story can help heal the world.

The Soul of Your Story is the course for you.

Embark on a transformative journey with me. Together, we will draw inspiration from various memoir classics as well as my recently published memoir, “Into the Soul of the World.” You will walk away with everything you need to write and finally finish and publish your memoir. I’ll provide you the insight, inspiration, wisdom, and tools–everything you need.

Course Overview

Each week features interactive workshops, in-depth analyses, and personal writing assignments, drawing primarily from the themes and techniques used in “Into the Soul of the World,” with additional guidance from other celebrated memoirs.

Detailed Weekly Breakdown:

Week 1: Foundations of Your Memoir

    • Session Date: Wednesday, June 26 at noon MT
    • Live Workshop (2 hours): Explore the basics of memoir writing, examining effective introductions and critical distinctions between memoirs and autobiographies
    • In-Class Writing Prompt: Create an engaging opening paragraph.
    • Dedicated Writing Time: Develop and refine your opening with instant feedback.

Week 2: Sculpting Your Narrative

    • Session Date: Wednesday, July 3 at noon MT
    • Live Workshop (2 hours): Delve into narrative structure, comparing techniques in “Into the Soul of the World” to those in other memoirs for structuring a compelling story.
    • In-Class Writing Prompt: Draft a pivotal moment that defines your memoir’s structure.
    • Dedicated Writing Time: Build out this pivotal moment, enhancing its narrative impact.

Week 3: Character and Dialogue

    • Session Date: Wednesday, July 10 at noon MT
    • Live Workshop (2 hours): This workshop will focus on developing nuanced characters and authentic dialogue, using examples from “Into the Soul of the World” and other acclaimed memoirs.
    • In-Class Writing Prompt: Compose a dialogue that reveals critical character relationships.
    • Dedicated Writing Time: Refine your dialogue to enhance character depth and story engagement.

Week 4: The Emotional Core

    • Session Date: Wednesday, July 17 at noon MT
    • Live Workshop (2 hours): Learn to authentically handle sensitive topics and deep emotions, drawing on examples from various memoirs.
    • In-Class Writing Prompt: Tackle a personal, transformative experience.
    • Dedicated Writing Time: Craft this experience into a compelling narrative with emotional honesty.

Week 5: Revision and Beyond

    • Session Date: Wednesday, July 24 at noon MT
    • Live Workshop (2 hours): Master revision techniques and discuss pathways to publication, including self-publishing and traditional routes.
    • In-Class Writing Prompt: Select a segment for intensive revision.
    • Dedicated Writing Time: Apply advanced revision techniques to refine your selected text.

What You’ll Get…

    • Direct access to Brad and his 30+ years of experience as an author and professional editor
    • Recordings of all classes for reviewing later
    • Access to our exclusive online community to ask questions and connect with other writers
    • All the information you need to begin, make progress, and complete a memoir or personal essay.

What We’ll Cover…

    • How to Figure Out What Your Memoir is Really About
      Reclaim and reframe YOUR story–not society’s and not your family’s version.
    • How to Structure Your Memoir
      We will focus on a traditional three-act structure that will serve your audience as well as you, the author.
    • How to Make Consistent Progress
      I will give you all the tools you need so that you don’t get frustrated and so that you finally get to write the words, The End.
    • How to Write a Soaring Ending the Launches the Rest of Your Life
      Endings are difficult. I will give you the tools to write beautiful endings for your current and future writing projects.

Why Me?

Brad Wetzler is a distinguished journalist and author whose work has appeared in premier publications such as The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, Wired, National Geographic, Outside, and Travel + Leisure. His reporting spans various subjects, from technology and travel to culture and outdoor adventures, always with a keen eye for detail and a commitment to uncovering the underlying truths.

Wetzler’s notable memoir, “Into the Soul of the World,” explores profound spiritual and cultural landscapes, earning acclaim for its powerful narrative voice and insightful discussions around complex trauma and recovery. He is also the author of “Real Mosquitoes Don’t Eat Meat,” a collection that combines humor with observations on the natural world. Previously, Wetzler was a columnist for Outside magazine, where his syndicated columns reached readers in over 200 newspapers nationwide. Today, Wetzler writes books and teaches aspiring writers how to write stirring, emotionally complex memoirs through his course,
The Soul of Your Story.

Elizabeth Penziner M.P.H., RYT

“I recently participated in a Zoom session offered by writing coach Brad Wetzler. The topic, Memoir Writing, was packed with more useful information than any introductory course I have ever attended. Brad is generous with his insight and wisdom; his authenticity and humor shine through. I learned how to tell a more compelling story, and to set “audience” aside for long enough to find and celebrate my voice. Brad is empowering others by sharing decades of writing experience and offering guidance in such an accessible platform. With thanks and respect.”

Course details
Duration 5 Weeks
Lectures 1
Live Workshop in Zoom
Access to Recorded Version
The Soul of Your Story: A Five-Week Memoir Writing Intensive
Brad Wetzler is an author and memoir writing coach. Make this the year you complete your memoir. Download the free "How to Tell a Great Story" e-book and schedule a free 30-minute consultation today.

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