There’s something about the crisper fall air that always pulls me into reflection. Maybe it’s the shift in the light, but lately, I’ve been thinking back on my 35 years as a writer and editor—and the 1.5 years since Into the Soul of the World came out. I’m not the same person I was when I signed that book deal in the summer of 2021. Writing and publishing my memoir changed me in ways I never saw coming.
Today, I know I live with more purpose, clarity, and joy than I ever thought possible. Writing my book helped me put some of the painful chapters of my life in the rearview mirror. There’s something raw and transformative about shaping your life into a narrative, about facing down the messy and broken parts of your story. That process changed me. As Leonard Cohen wrote, “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” It was through those cracks—those raw, vulnerable places—that I found healing and meaning.
Of course, the work didn’t stop there. I’ve stayed committed to the 12 steps, therapy, yoga—all of it. But nothing cracked me open and changed me more than writing this book. And now, as I work on the proposal for my follow-up, about my quest for faith in a higher power, I’m once again reminded that writing is where the real transformation happens. It’s messy and challenging, especially for a thinker trying to find faith in a world built on materialism. But it’s on the page where I begin to make sense of it all.
Over the years, I’ve edited hundreds of memoirs and guided countless others through my coaching and classes. Working as both an editor and a writer gives me a unique lens when it comes to helping others tell their stories. I’m not just an observer—I’ve been in the trenches, wrestling with my own story, turning the dark parts into light.
Next Wednesday, I’m kicking off another session of my Intro to Memoir Writing course. This is one of my favorite things I do. It’s not just about teaching—it’s about helping people make sense of their lives through storytelling. Writing a memoir isn’t just about cataloging your life’s events. It’s about stepping into your story and finding the meaning within it. It’s hard work, but it’s the kind of work that changes you.
If you’ve been thinking about writing your story, or you’re feeling stuck and don’t know how to move forward, this course could be the nudge you need. We’ll meet Wednesdays at 1 PM MT, and you’ll walk away with more than just chapters—you’ll walk away with a clearer sense of yourself and your journey.
Writing your memoir is transformative. It changed me, and I believe it can change you too. If you’re ready to dive in, I’d love to help you tell your story. DM me and I’ll tell you more.
Brad Wetzler is the author of the new memoir "Into the Soul of the World: My Journey to Healing" (Hachette, 2023) and "Real Mosquitoes Don't Eat Meat" (W.W. Norton, 2005). He is a memoir writing coach, podcaster, and yoga teacher. Brad began his career as an editor and adventure-travel writer. He served as a senior editor at Outside magazine and was a contributing editor at Outside, National Geographic Adventure, and George magazines. Brad has written hundreds of articles and essays on wide-ranging topics. He writes books and articles and hosts a podcast about adventure healing, emotional wellness, and faith and spirituality. He lives in Austin, Texas.